
Sunday, February 28, 2010



Well it shows that even the great people of the castle had no spirit and were not willing to fight for freedom. They excepted capping like all the others. It shows that even the greatest had a right of passage that was controlled by the tripods. It shows that being rich is useless. In the end you have no freedom to capture the moment so what was the point. You were just like everybody else a prisoner of the tripods. All the luxury was useless that even if you were high class you couldn't fully enjoy it because all the decisions you make are not yours you might have turned left but if you were free you would have gone right. It is funny how it all fits together because you could be at the bottom of the world but you wouldn't be any different from the people at the very top becasue you would all be the same without your freedom you are not yourself and you are just another person in the crowd. You are not free you are imprisoned. It relates to freedom because it shows that whoever is capped is not free nomatter who they are. I find it sort of depressing because freedom is what makes us who we are and whatever we do is becasue we can do it.

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