
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Future? Or past?

1. Write a prediction as to what will happen to the character(s) in the next book of the trilogy.
I think that in the next book that there will be war. I think this because it is called when the tripods came. This indicates to me that the tripods came to somewhere. I assume this could be the white mountains and that the tripods have found out about it. Then there could be a war the people of the white mountains against the tripods. It would change the course of man and it would set the mood and all that for the next book. Or it could be a blast from the past it could be the story of how the tripods got control in the first place. It could have new characters and it could also show how the white mountains were discovered and how they came to be. It might be a completely different story. A story where the author changes it all and it could be similar to the first book but fitted into a different frame and with a different ending. It could be later into the future after the tripods are defeated and man roamed free again. Then suddenly aliens show up and want power. Or maybe the tripods return and they are better and stronger. The aliens/tripods could fight with the humans and then finally there would be a big and epic ending. Where the main character sacrafices his own life for the good of man. Then everybody is free but sad because he is gone. Twenty years later everybody would be happy and there would be thousands of cities their streets thriving with people and life. There are many possibilities. I have only stated a few of them. It could be anything as far as I can tell.
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