
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Global Connection

Matt Harding has shot videos of himself dancing badly in exotic places all around the world. It has been viewed by millions of people. Then he made a second video and asked people if they wanted to join in, you wouldn't believe how many did. But I think that Matt Hardings videos make a difference. Because he makes people smile and he shows everyone is equal. He puts a smile on everyone's face and shows us we are the same. All the people that watch his videos laugh. Whenever he dances people just want to join in and participate. He connects people through dance and for a moment people feel like everyone around them is not different but the same person just in a different for. Mumbai,Madrid,Paro,Stone town all the way to Teotihuacan. He keep making an impression. With his dancing he has people realize people are people. Now the people of Fiji know they are equal and one with the people from Timbuktu. His dancing connects people from all over the globe. He is a believer that people one day will live together knowing that their neighbor is their friend and everyone else in the world is to. He shows that people want to be connected and they want to be seen and heard. He show that in the end the world is also way to big for us. But we just want to see it all. All the people and place of our world.

I chose this picture because it fits in. It has people dancing together and connecting like what Matt Hardings dancing does to people. Weather it is church or just for fun dancing connects us and shows us we are one.

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