
Friday, August 20, 2010

Nine Items and Me

I chose a book, swimming trunks, praying mat, a rubiks cube, my trombone, a deck of cards, my mixed desktop, my tool box and a soccer ball. How can all these things tell you about me- the......

Book I chose was Attila the Judgement. Because reading takes you out of your seat to your own world it tells you what was what could be and what would be. I like to picture myself as the main character and look and how things would be this book is also historical and I love history. I got the book here in malaysia. On the first week of school in fifth grade. As usual in every place we go to we in a way go on a shoping spree. It was one of the first items I bought in malaysia. This also means a lot to me because I have been to a lot of places where there were ancient battles witch really interests me. To see the strategies they had what type of people they were and in a way how they were like us. Reading about them makes me feel connected to all that came before my time and to our race of human beings.

Swimming trunks are my second item and represent me because I love to swim. I got these back in Nairobi. Where swimming was everywhere. Me and my brother would go down to the pool when the skies cleared up after a big storm. It is one thing I will never get bored of, something that I will never let go because it is so different from our everyday lives. In the water there is something different. Ever since I was five I loved to swim. The first time I ever swam was in I.S.K one of my previous schools and it was just magnificent. I would just jump in and make a huge splash. Get a running start to the pool to be the first in line for the high dive. The thrill of it all was the part that captured me most.

Praying mats represent me because I am Muslim and to a Muslim they are the true essence of our beliefs and our religion. They mean everything to us and are everything to us. They tell about our prophet and how the holy book came to him in parts and how he was told to pray aswell.

Rubik’s cubes are pure logic. There are many unique ways to solve them. Different people have different ways of solving them. I solve those using algorithms. There are many steps to it. You first select any colour and make a cross. Then it gets tricky you have to find the right corner pieces and match them up. The most basic algorithm is Di Ri D R and you would use that if the corner piece is directly underneath its rightful spot. Then bam you solved a colour and the first row. The rest is just more complicated algorithms. This is my first rubiks cube though that I got in china. You would see kid walking down the street with a giddy look on their faces because they just claimed their own. But when it was my turn. I became hyper and it was quite difficult for my dad to walk me back to the hotel we were staying in. Ever since then I have had a collection of them from normal 3 by 3’s to 4 by 4’s. That is how they represents me. Because they just need some practice and dedication.

My trombone is item number 5 on my list. I was always a fan of music and classical and jazz stood out to me. There are a lot of fun songs I can think of like smoke on the water and soul express. I also like some old song from the Marcel’s like “Blue Moon” that my dad used to listen to. Because let’s face it he isn’t the young boy he used to be. They are pretty interesting and the first time I ever heard them was on an airplane ride form Ethiopia to Kenya. My dad was listening to them and plugged in my headphones next to his so I could hear them to. Then on the ride to the hotel he told me all about them, and some of their other songs. It was cool to hear some backround things. The hard cold facts.

A deck of cards really represent me because I like to do some card and coin tricks with my friends. And I know almost every game there is Poker, 14, Indian poker, Blackjack. I can play them all and I am pretty good at them to. It is interesting because it is a combination of luck and decisions. Like in Indian poker you don’t know your card and put it on your forehead and keep your game face. Because you can see everyone else’s and they can see you but you can’t see your own. Then you decide are you in or out is your card better or worse than your opponents. I learnt about all this here in malaysia even though I already knew a ton of card games I learnt more and more on each rainy day. Then I got good.

A desktop because I really like computers and I am interested in them. I use different brands like my monitor is Acer, my keyboard is Logitech, my stereos are edifier, my printer is hp, my mouse is sentetive and the rest is dell. So you can see I like to mix it up and try to use the best part of everything I can get my hands on. I got my first laptop in kenya. It was a dell laptop and I really liked it because it was new to me I was a 7 year old boy with a laptop. It connected me to my friends through email to my dad through Skype. But it is also is part of the interest I take in cars. My favorite is the 1972 GranTorino.

Building a tree house is hard work and my father and I had to use my/his tool box. It was the coolest tree house ever. Then it started to drizzle so we went inside for snacks and drinks. Unfortunately after the light drizzle our tree house fell. My father and I aren’t the best crafts man you could say. But the truth is it was my fault I must have done something to the platform or was it the hole I made in the side after my dad left by mistake. So he rebuilt an even better one for me but this time on his own. So as you can tell I really like to see how things work and like to tamper with them.

Sports equipment comes in all shapes and sizes but as you can probably tell I like soccer balls. I always did take an interest in sports and physical activities like baseball, basketball, lacrosse, fencing and American football but these are just a few of my favorites. I got my first football in 1st grade and then entered a soccer league my team got 11th out of 20 so we didn't get very far. But you don't always get what you want. I like to run around and do team things with others. Because to me it is better to lose together than win alone.

So this is how I would sum myself up in ten items. They capture my personality and show how I really am. But to you am I really a book, swimming trunks, praying mat, a rubiks cube, my trombone, a deck of cards, my mixed desktop, a Bosch tool box and a soccer ball?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010


This video shows people messing around. Because they don't want to do the work they have to. They just are blowing off work. In the end this in my opinion a lot more work than they had to do in the first place most likely. Lets hope the deadline is no time soon for these guys.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"A hero has faced it all: he need not be undefeated, but he must be undaunted."
Andrew Bernstein

Undaunted:Ajective: undiminished in courage or valor; not giving way to fear;intrepid:

II chose this quote because it shows what a real hero is. It shows that you don't have to be undefeated but you have to be undaunted. You have to have courage real guts. You have to want it you have to try. Push forward don't go back or you won't succeed. It shows we can all be heros we just have to be corageous and alway fight for what is right and what you believe in. I chose this quote because it defines what a hero really is. Someone who is willing to try. Not always someone who secceeds. Life is like a journey a hero to me is someone who takes it. That is why I chose this quote.

I chose this quote because it has hundreds of people and anyone of them could be a hero they just have to be dauntless and without regrets.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Global Connection

Matt Harding has shot videos of himself dancing badly in exotic places all around the world. It has been viewed by millions of people. Then he made a second video and asked people if they wanted to join in, you wouldn't believe how many did. But I think that Matt Hardings videos make a difference. Because he makes people smile and he shows everyone is equal. He puts a smile on everyone's face and shows us we are the same. All the people that watch his videos laugh. Whenever he dances people just want to join in and participate. He connects people through dance and for a moment people feel like everyone around them is not different but the same person just in a different for. Mumbai,Madrid,Paro,Stone town all the way to Teotihuacan. He keep making an impression. With his dancing he has people realize people are people. Now the people of Fiji know they are equal and one with the people from Timbuktu. His dancing connects people from all over the globe. He is a believer that people one day will live together knowing that their neighbor is their friend and everyone else in the world is to. He shows that people want to be connected and they want to be seen and heard. He show that in the end the world is also way to big for us. But we just want to see it all. All the people and place of our world.

I chose this picture because it fits in. It has people dancing together and connecting like what Matt Hardings dancing does to people. Weather it is church or just for fun dancing connects us and shows us we are one.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Purdue University Compliment guys

The Purdue University Compliment Guys. I think are doing good because they brighten up peoples days. And because a lot of people in the world are in a state of depression and a compliment can brighten up a persons day. I mean if you have a low self esteem people around you are going to be bummed out. But if you are positive then a world of happiness will open up to you. And you preform better to. I mean for example one day I didn't do too good on a test and I didn't even score a single basket. I had extra homework because I was sick. The day wasn't really going my way. Then some random person I never met said nice shoes! I was like thanks and more came like nice t-shirt or nice shot at basketball practice. It brightened up my day. And I was all good inside the next morning for my math test and I aced it. Everyone likes compliments and it makes you feel good knowing you brightened up someones day by saying a few nice things about them. It make the person receiving or giving the compliment feel all good inside. And it can really switch someones day around. But negative things also impact people. So we shouldn't talk badly about our peers,friends,family or anyone else in general. A few words can change a persons day for the better or for worse.

I chose this picture because it shows Brett and Cam high fiving a complete stranger that they probably gave a compliment to. It is just amazing.