
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Well I have got great grades on my first report card and I have made many more friends this year. I have not lost any of my old friends though they are all still here and we are more in touch this year to. My new friends are also great so socially I think I am doing good. Also academically I think I am doing good. Because my parents were satisfied by my previous report card. I have also learned a lot of skills. Especially social skills as you can see. I have also learned some study skills and organization skills. Like the read and get tested method for studying and big tests. Never failed me. Except once it didn't work to my expectations but it still didn't fail so I was satisfied. One of the other skills I have mastered is opening my lockers. That is a big one from sixth grade onwards because you use them everyday. The skill is very important and I have mastered it. The skills I have learned have really come in handy. I hope I learn a lot more. Because you'll always need them especially during middle school because it is where your life really starts.I really want some pointers on how to keep my locker clean. Because it is not as clean as I want it to be. Obviously I will learn these skills from my friends. Because there lockers are very neat. Well most of them have tidy lockers. I don't really need to learn many more skills in my opinion. Because I am doing well so far in my middle school life. I can handle myself now. It is a good feeling of accomplishment. My goals for the Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
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w year are a) make more friends b) get straight A+'s and to win a silver medal in fencing. Because the highest I got was bronze and in most of the competitions I get bronze. My competition think it is good for my age but I know I can do better. I have been fencing for a long time now and that is my goals. So those are my goals for the next six months.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Reflection and Feedback

I really liked the book that I got and I think it is because it had adventure and action also betrayal. It was mainly because of the genre and the way it was written. It had a great storyline and base which made it interesting. It also was based in a different time and it had all sorts of characters in it. I think that it had a nice ending and the way it all came together. Which all relates to storyline because if you don't have a good storyline you have only words on paper. What was your favorite part? My favorite part was when the mutiny showed it's face and Canrick came out of hiding. It was my favorite part because captain Jaggery took charge and brought order back. I thought whoa if I was one of the sailors in the mutiny I would never be on the side against him. Because out of nowhere he just fired the musket and there was just complete silence after that.In my opinion the whole message was people are not what they seem like and they act differently around different people. That people can change greatly in a short period of time. Because we all make decisions everyday and these decisions usually influence on us and they really leave a scarr. We decide who to be with who to hang out with what we were to do and at the end everyone goes a different way. Because everyone is unique in their own way and people aren't what they seem like after all. Because Charlotte in the begining was a proper lady and she acted diffferently to how she acts now. Well in front of people. Well I think the project was good. The assignments required me to think out of the box not just to look at the surface but at it's content and hidden information. This helped me understand the book and what the author wanted the reader to think. It was in my opinion great and I hope to do more like this. The one thing I would have changed would have been the selection of books. To maybe more of you know action adventure and maybe somefantasy in it. Possibly midevil times but also some civilization. Not just a prince a dragon and a princess. The prince vanquishes the dragon and '' get's the girl'' but much deeper. An example would be INK HEART. The book was great but if I could read another lit cirles book would be HATCHET if not possible maybe MAROO OF THE WINTERCAVES. So that is my Reflection and feedback. I hope you enjoyed my thoughts.

P.S I was just kidding everyone enjoys my thoughts especially you! Right??? Well I hope so at least. Because if you are not interested then you can just stop reading this blog.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Missing Chapter

Left or right?
Up or down?
South or North?
Nobody knows... YET!
The Missing Chapter
I think the novel was great. It had adventure action and betrayal. I would give it 4.782 out of 5. The book had great characters and storyline. It was very well written. Charlotte was a normal English girl trying to satisfy every adult in her world. She was a kid who was put into a grown up world a world without freedom. All the decisions that faced her in her life so far were decided for her. She had to become a proper lady she was raised to be a mature lady with manners and lady like behavior. Her father spent a lot of money taking her to school paying for tuition to make her perfect something that no one can be. She was trying to impress every one. Then one day she was told that she was going to sail on a ship and rejoin her family. So she was escorted by one of her father’s friends to a ship. The Seahawk a ship that everyone seemed to keep well away from. She got onboard and the two family escorts her father had planned to travel with her didn’t show up. She was forced to go on board anyway. She was one proper lady with a crew of sailors and one captain who she had thought a gentleman. Oh contraire this man was no gentle man. He was a sick madman. He had a crazy way of getting what he wanted. He was in rule over everybody aboard the Seahawk during their journey to providence. He was a supreme ruler, judge and jury. She at first tried to avoid the sailors because her father had told her to stay close to captain Jaggery. Later she found out about him and had to turn to the crew instead. But she still trusted him at quite a high level. The journey had many high lights. But one of the most important was the mutiny with Mr. Canrick. It was when the captain proved he was more than capable to handle them all. The second highlight was when charlotte had a faceoff with captain Jaggery. It was a battle at the edge of the ship. But the captain had relied on luck. He learned luck can be unpredictable and it won’t last. He should have stuck to chance. The third highlight was when they reached providence. It was when Charlotte made a life changing decision. She had to choose over family of the Seahawk. She chose the Seahawk because it was her true home. It was a well thought out decision. The storyline was great and it fit perfectly.

If it continued I think that Charlottes father would send for charlotte. You know send a ship and its crew to retrieve her. Because he spent a lot of money on her. Also because she turned her back on him and joined a group of sailors. She went to the Seahawk the place she says is her true home. Where they don't judge her, where they don’t set a standard for her and if she doesn’t meet it get disappointed and make her work to reach the standard that was set. Where she can make her own decisions. She is more or less free there. That is her true home at least now. Charlotte chose the crew of the Seahawk over him and the rest of her family. I think that the fact will make him angry. I think that he might become like captain Jaggery. Maybe he will go mad. Because I think it would be a great continue of the original story. Or possibly he might leave them alone but someone else will attempt to destroy them. Maybe the Seahawk would become famous. So maybe another ship that may be famous would track and hunt them until the Seahawk and all of its crew was dead. So they might have an epic battle on the Caribbean. Until the Seahawk prevailed. Then maybe the owners would send a fleet of battle ships after them. There would be a huge battle and the Seahawks members would have to ask some help from some former friends. So maybe Charlotte would have to ask her father. Who might accept and join them in the epic battle.

But it was a great novel and I recommend it to people who like action adventure because it had plenty of it. The book was great and it put many thoughts into my head about what was going to happen next. So my predictions are that Charlottes father would send for her. Or maybe a powerful man would become their rival and go to anything to kill the Seahawk and its crew. Both are possible and I can’t wait for a sequel to come out. Anything is possible but I don’t know I’m not the writer. But I have to say well written.