
Monday, September 7, 2009

Courage something that changed my life

Prompt: During your journey through ‘life’ something will happen in which you learn something new or surprising about yourself. In the book Call it Courage Mafatu heads out on a journey to prove to his friends and father that he is not a coward. This journey will change his life.For some of us courage is facing our fears, reaching the top of the climbing wall, mastering a skill or just helping others in need.So write about a time that you showe courage.

On a trip to the waterfalls with my family. I showed courage. It was a nice peaceful day me and my family were going to the waterfalls to have dinner. We took our food with us. It was a long drive to the waterfalls. When we did get to the waterfallls we saw a group of monkeys. I had thought that the monkey's were peaceful. Since there was another group of people and the monkeys were just playing around with them. It looked quite funny because the monkeys were jumping all over them. So we took our food out of the trunk and started our walk to the pic-nic spot. We had been walking for about ten minutes toward the pic-nic spot. I saw my cousin struggle with the bags of food. It was first then that I had realized that a monkey had been following us. But then I thought maybe the monkey was just going to it's home or to it's young. Anyways why would a monkey follow us. To get my mind of the topic I, started to day dream about the pic-nic. A nice table out in the open next to the water falls. Delicious food and a nice cool cup of apple juice. It all sounded so nice in my head. Then I noticed it again the monkey was still following us. Maybe the monkey wasn't going to her youngybe the monkey was really following us. So this time I told my mother, she said that maybe she was following the sent of the food we were carrying. I thought maybe. We all just kept walking like there was nothing wrong. But now we were walking at a much faster pace. Before we knew it the monkey was right in front of us. He growled I threw the tissue box in my hand up in the air. My aunt threw the plastic plates in her hand, and screamed. The monkey pulled tissues out of the tissue box and riped the plates apart. My mom had tried to scare her away but she scowled at my mom. Next we all made a run for it. We ended up going to a public park and eating there. It wasn't what I had expected but it sure was a night to remember.

This little insident had changed completely what I think about monkeys. It showed me that things don't always end up the way you think they will. That's an important lesson to learn.

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Thursday, September 3, 2009


1.The successes that you have had so far ~ things that you believe you are coping very well with in Middle School.

I think that I am doing well. Adjusting to middle school life. I think I'm doing okay overall with my locker and schedule so I think I'm getting the hang of things. I would call my self an expert with getting around and things like that. I'm doing well in classes and I think that I'm pretty organized. My schedule is working well for me. I'm getting my homework done and I have time to spare with my projects and work. So I think middle school life is working out well for me.

2.The things that you know that you need to work harder on/pay attention to.

I think that I'm putting all my effort into my work. So I'm trying to improve even harder now. It is one of the only things I'm going to pay alot of attention to. Because I'm trying my hardest in school. Trying to get good grades and that's what I think really count's.

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